Is Maternity Care Necessary?

If you are pregnant with your first child, you may have questions about your upcoming OB visits. For example, are maternity care visits necessary? Do you really need to go to every visit, or are some visits more important than others?  Maternity care is extremely important for your health and the health of your baby. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, babies who do not receive regular monitoring from prenatal care are three times more likely to be born with a low birth rate. [Read More]

5 Most Common Signs That You Need Vaginal Atrophy Services

The number of menopausal women in the US is estimated at 64 million, and 32 million of them suffer from vaginal atrophy. The condition is associated with a decrease in estrogen production, primarily after the onset of menopause. Once your menstrual cycles end as you approach the age of 50, menopause sets in, and you are highly susceptible to vaginal atrophy. But, how do you tell if you have this problem? [Read More]

Keeping Up With Your Health Throughout Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Throughout your pregnancy, you're going to need to take good care of that baby growing in your belly, but you're also going to need to take good care of yourself as well. Taking care of you is actually taking care of your baby, as your baby is relying on you to stay healthy so the baby can be healthy. Things such as stress, diet, and a number of other things can be affecting your unborn child. [Read More]

Causes Of Irregularities With Periods For Women In Their 40s

Women entering their 40s often begin experiencing signs of perimenopause, which is the period leading into menopause. The most common sign of perimenopause involves irregularities with periods. If you are currently experiencing irregular periods and are in your 40s, you might be entering this stage of menopause, and here are several things you should know about this. What Is Perimenopause? Menopause is not something that occurs all in one day. Instead, it is a process your body goes through, and the end result is no more periods and the inability to produce children. [Read More]