Three Ways To Prepare For Your OBGYN Appointment When Discussing Birth Control Options

If you are reviewing your birth control options, a visit to the gynecologist should be on your to-do list. As a medical professional, your OBGYN can review your personal health and discuss with you what your best options might be when it comes to birth control. Here are three ways you can prepare yourself for an upcoming gynecological visit and discussing your birth control options available. 1. Have Your Questions Ready [Read More]

Suffering from Menopause Symptoms? 4 All-Natural Ways You Can Get Relief

Bothersome menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, irritability, and mood swings can make you feel like you've lost control of your body. While menopause is a time of great upheaval, hormonally speaking, it doesn't have to interrupt your life. If you're suffering from persistent symptoms that are interfering with your health and happiness, consider one or more of these all-natural ways you can get relief from your symptoms. [Read More]

Three Benefits To Bringing A Midwife On Board During Your Pregnancy

From home births to water births to natural child births, there are many options available to women nowadays that weren't available even a decade ago. With new technology and research, the birthing options have become vast. Even with all the newest tools to help with childbirth, it can still be complicated. This is why you want to make sure you have the best professionals on board during your delivery. One of the professionals you should consider having a relationship with during your pregnancy is a midwife. [Read More]

No Primary Doctor? 3 Ways A Gynecologist Can Provide Additional Treatment

For many women, the gynecologist relationship is a very close one. For some, the gynecologist is utilized as a doctor for a variety of care aside from standard obstetrics and gynecological treatments. The following are some things that your doctor can do for you and your children outside of their specialized scope of care: Circumcising Your Son  If you are planning to circumcise your infant son and your doctor delivered him, he or she can perform the circumcision as well. [Read More]